
Does Coconut Milk Raise Testosterone

Does Coconut Milk Raise Testosterone

Here's How Different Types of Milk Impact Your Hormones

We're taking a look at how the different types of milks—from soy and almond—impact your body's chemistry.

Milk has long been considered a healthy staple in our diet. It's rich in bone-strengthening calcium, energy-building protein, and a slew of other nutrients that boost our overall health. However, researchers are learning more and more about the not-so-beneficial effects commercially produced milk can have on the body, particularly on our hormones. The reason for concern? Cows, as well as chickens, are given hormones to help them grow, reduce the amount of feed they need, and ultimately increase profitability, explains Arianna Sholes-Douglas, an OB/GYN, the founder of Tula Wellness Center in Tucson, Arizona, and author of The Menopause Myth ($9.79, "The hormones administered to animals are not only consumed when we eat them, but are also excreted in high levels in their waste, which we can also digest in our water," she says. "Growth hormone is responsible for the increase in insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which has been directly correlated to prostate, colon, and breast cancers."

Person pouring milk into cup of coffee

This is one of the reasons why non-dairy milks are becoming increasingly popular—you don't have to worry about added hormones. However, Dr. Sholes-Douglas warns that milk alternatives may still have an impact on hormone balance due to their other components, such as isoflavones. Here's a look at how the different types of milks, from soy and almond to cashew and oat, impact the hormones in our bodies.


Soy milk comes from soybeans, making it a good, low-calorie milk alternative. However, Yeral Patel, MD, a functional medicine physician in Newport Beach, California, explains that most of the soy produced in the United States comes from genetically modified plants. This means that we're still susceptible to hormonal effects unless we're drinking non-GMO soy milk. Additionally, the jury is still out on whether or not soy milk affects the thyroid hormone. "It is still recommended that those with a tendency towards hypothyroidism avoid it," says Luiza Petre, MD, a New York City-based cardiologist and weight management specialist. "Its use in baby formulas also remains unanswered with American Academy of Pediatrics, warranting more research."


Despite the fact that lactose-free milk does not contain the sugar present naturally in milk (lactose), it can still contain hormones—and may cause the same level of hormonal disruption as regular milk, explains Patel. "The only difference is that the lactose protein (a natural sugar found in milk products) is removed from the milk so that those who are intolerant to lactose protein can safely consume it," she says.


Almond milk is pretty simple—it comes from soaked almonds. It's also hormone-free and in unsweetened form, contains less saturated fat and calories than milk, explains Patel—which makes it one of the safer options in the context of hormonal disruption. "Those with nut allergies or sensitivities should be cautious about consuming almond milk for obvious reasons," she warns.


Similarly, cashew milk comes from cashews—and provides the same benefit (it's low-risk overall). However, the same caution should be exercised for those with nut allergies or sensitivities.


"While coconut milk does not contain any added hormones and can be a good milk alternative, coconut milk and coconut products are higher in saturated fats and can increase the risk of heart disease if consumed in excess," says Patel. "Those with allergies to tree nuts can usually tolerate coconut milk—and there is some evidence that coconut-derived foods may help protect the body from viruses and infections."


Oat milk is derived from whole oat grains, in a similar fashion to almond or cashew milk. It is a safe non-dairy alternative for those who are lactose intolerant, vegan, or have nut allergies, notes Patel. "Consuming oat milk may, however, be problematic for those with gluten allergies or sensitivities," she adds.


Hemp milk is hormone- and dairy-free and, as its name implies, is derived from hemp seeds. "It's packed with Omega-3s and is good for joint health and rich in fiber, which is beneficial for digestive and heart health," Dr. Patel says, adding that it's another low-risk choice for those searching for a milk that won't alter their body's hormone balance.

Does Coconut Milk Raise Testosterone


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Karuna Vitamin C+ Pearls Review

Karuna Vitamin C+ Pearls Review

Photo Courtesy: Flashpop/DigitalVision//Getty Images

Whether in the form of a fizzy drink or flavored lozenges, cold and flu preventative supplements almost always highlight vitamin C as one of their key ingredients. So, what's so magical about vitamin C? Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is critical to living healthily. Since the human body cannot spontaneously generate this nutrient, vitamin C must instead be absorbed from outside sources, such as vitamin supplements or foods that are naturally rich in it.

Commonly found in cold and flu preventative supplements, vitamin C strengthens and speeds up immune system functionality. Though research does not indicate that vitamin C intake alone can prevent the onset of cold or flu, adequate daily intake may shorten the duration of an infection or lessen the severity of symptoms.

Photo Courtesy: Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images

Vitamin C is crucial for the maintenance of well being. For example, it plays a role in wound healing and helps maintain many essential body tissues. It also acts as a potent antioxidant and can repair damage from free radicals, which are linked to aging effects, and disease vulnerability. Additionally, vitamin C can also prevent anemia, since it helps the body increase absorption of dietary iron, another vital mineral that the body cannot spontaneously create.

Foods that contain high concentrations of vitamin C have been linked with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke. Vitamin C can also increase levels of nitric oxide, a compound that widens blood vessels and, in turn, lowers blood pressure. In addition, regular intake of vitamin C, along with other vitamins, has been linked to a decreased risk for developing age-related cataracts, a leading cause of visual impairment in the United States.

Common Sources of Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be easily obtained through the many different foods, including:

Photo Courtesy: Akaradech Pramoonsin/Moment/Getty Images
  • Citrus fruits and juices (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime and tangerine)
  • Berries
  • Melons
  • Mangoes
  • Kiwi
  • Tomato
  • Broccoli
  • Red peppers
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Potatoes

Cooking these foods may result in the loss of some of the vitamin content, so it is ideal to ingest them raw, either whole or juiced. Nowadays, there are also numerous packaged food products, like cereals, that have been enriched and fortified with vitamin C, so that the nutrient can be easily obtained.

Vitamin C may also be labeled as "L-ascorbic acid" in supplement form, and most over-the-counter multivitamins contain the recommended daily amount of the vitamin. While it is a good source when an individual is in need of a vitamin C boost, supplements are not meant to replace a diet rich in naturally derived vitamin C.

What Happens When You Have Too Much — or Too Little — Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can be easily flushed out of the body via urination when it is not needed. Therefore, if the main source of vitamin C is from naturally occurring foods, it is near-impossible for excess vitamin C to produce side effects. However, taking excessive concentrated vitamin C supplements may lead to diarrhea or stomach upset.

Photo Courtesy: Violeta Stoimenova/E+/Getty Images

Since vitamin C-rich foods are so readily available nowadays, symptoms of inadequate vitamin C intake are also rare in the United States. However, malnourished individuals can experience symptoms of vitamin C deficiency over time, including:

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Easy bruising
  • Joint pain
  • Skin breakdown
  • Weakened tooth enamel
  • Gum inflammation

Severe vitamin C deficiency is referred to as scurvy. Scurvy can be easily treated with increased dietary or supplemental vitamin C. Since vitamin C is crucial in the detoxification of the body, a lack of vitamin C can compromise the immune system and make an individual more susceptible to diseases and infections. Individuals with insufficient vitamin C may find that it takes longer than usual to recover from a cold or a physical wound.

Daily Dosage Recommendations:

The daily dosage recommendation for vitamin C is different for everyone, depending on factors such as gender, age, lifestyle and current health condition. The recommended daily dosage for vitamin C is at least 75 mg daily for women and 90 mg for men. Since people who are pregnant, breast feeding, smoking or using oral contraceptives have a lower blood level of vitamin C than others, larger doses of vitamin C may be needed to achieve optimal results in these individuals. Those who have prior or current medical conditions may also require bigger or smaller dosage levels, as recommended by their healthcare providers.

Resource Links:

  • "Vitamin C" via MedlinePlus
  • "Vitamin C and Infections" via MDPI
  • "Extra Dose of Vitamin C Based on a Daily Supplementation Shortens the Common Cold: A Meta-Analysis of 9 Randomized Controlled Trials" via Hindawi, BioMed Research International
  • "Vitamin C" via National Institutes of Health
  • "Scurvy" via U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health
  • "Dietary intake and blood concentrations of antioxidants and the risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer, and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies" via The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • "Dietary vitamin and carotenoid intake and risk of age-related cataract" via The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • "Cardiovascular System" via Department of Anatomy, Seoul National University College of Medicine (via Springer)


Karuna Vitamin C+ Pearls Review


Inyecciones De Vitamina C Para Gluteos

Inyecciones De Vitamina C Para Gluteos

Cada día aparecen nuevas técnicas y tratamientos para el cuerpo en su integridad y lo mejor es que son propuestas no invasivas y con resultados estéticamente bellos. Se busca el efecto más natural posible, en el caso de los glúteos el ejercitarlos es una manera efectiva, pero no todos tiene el tiempo y las ganas de hacerlo, por eso la estética ofrece alternativas como la Vitamina C.

Ya hay varias opciones para tener uno glúteos más prominentes como la gluteoplastia para aportar volumen a esta zona del cuerpo con silicona, o incluso implantes de grasa autógena del paciente. Las técnicas anteriores son exitosas y con resultados muy buenos, pero si van de la mano con un proceso de recuperación que puede ser más o menos largo en función de cada paciente.

El aumento de glúteos con ayuda de la vitamina C es gracias a la ciencia que apuesta por dar respuesta a todas las demandas de las personas. A nivel médico-estético no es invasivo y tiene espectaculares efectos.


Vitamina C directo a tu piel

Siempre se han sabido los efectos positivos de esta vitamina sobre el organismo, pero ha sido recientemente cuando se ha comenzado a aplicar con más frecuencia en los tratamientos de carácter estético.

Las vitaminas están entre los nutrientes vitales que requiere nuestro cuerpo. No solo contribuyen a que nuestra salud esté en mejor estado, sino que también tienen efectos directos sobre el aspecto de nuestra piel y nuestro cabello.

La vitamina C es realmente espectacular en la esfera de sus beneficios, entre ellas se destacan:

  • Mejora la vista
  • Ayuda a regular la presión sanguínea
  • Es un excelente antioxidante
  • Fortalece el sistema inmunológico

✔️ Sabías que con el ácido hialurónico también es posible aumentar los glúteos. Descubre aquí más sobre este tratamiento.

  • Combate efectivamente el envejecimiento prematuro de la piel
  • Evita enfermedades degenerativas
  • Ayuda a la cicatrización
  • Estimula la producción de colágeno
  • Favorece la eliminación de la flacidez de la piel, pero también las estrías y las manchas.

Ahora si nos enfocamos en la zona de los glúteos, la vitamina C reducir la flacidez y mejorar el aspecto de la piel, haciendo que los glúteos estén más tersos y notoriamente con mayor volumen. La función de la vitamina es estimular la acción de los fibroblastos, éstas son células que se encargan de dar soporte a la piel, contribuyendo de este modo a que el tejido cutáneo esté más terso.


¿De qué trata el aumento de glúteos con la vitamina?

Es un tratamiento muy sencillo y seguro que consiste en inyectar este nutriente directamente en la zona a tratar. Aunque es indoloro, es normal que se note algo de escozor en la zona durante unos segundos, cuando se pone la inyección, pero esas molestias desaparecen rápidamente.

Las sesiones dependen de cada paciente y le estado del cuerpo. Lo más habitual es llevar a cabo cuatro sesiones, una cada 15 días.

Para que los resultados sean mayores, se recomienda antes de comenzar con la aplicación de la vitamina C, que se someta, al menos, a tres sesiones de masaje en los glúteos. La finalidad de estos masajes es remover la grasa y preparar el músculo para las inyecciones. Así los resultados serán todavía más notables.

✔️ ¡No a los biopolímeros! Descubre más sobre este peligroso componente. Clica aquí.

Posterior al tratamiento hay que dejar descansar la zona durante un par de días para que la vitamina se absorba apropiadamente. No hay ningún problema en que el paciente puede hacer su rutina normal, pero debe restringirse de hacer ejercicios que hagan trabajar el área asistida. Pasadas 48 horas ya puede recuperar su rutina normal de ejercicios.Suele ocurrir que la paciente note algo de hinchazón en la zona en la que se ha puesto la inyección, pero esta inflamación desaparece al cabo de unos días. shutterstock-167044400.jpg

¿Se lo pueden realizar todas las personas?

La edad que recomiendan los profesionales es entre 36 y 60 años, cuya piel ya ha comenzado a perder colágeno de una forma moderada, sin embargo, también lo pueden realizar personas de otras edades que no han conseguido los resultados buscados a través de otras técnicas para glúteos.

Resultados expeditos

El cuerpo se demora apenas 48 horas absorber la vitamina C, por lo que los efectos se distinguen prontamente, aunque es posible que para obtener el resultado final deseado sean necesarias varias sesiones.

La combinación de los siguientes consejos dará resultados aún más sobresalientes en tus glúteos:

  • Realizar siempre tratamientos o intervenciones con profesionales.
  • Practicar moderadamente
  • Adoptar hábitos alimenticios sanos, como la ingesta de vitamina C, como la papaya, la piña, los arándonos o la coliflor.
  • Siempre se hace hincapié en la hidratación adecuada diariamente para que el cuerpo cumpla bien con todas sus funciones No pueden faltar los dos litros de agua al día, repartidos entre el agua que bebemos directamente y aquella que contienen los alimentos.
  • Otro consejo es dormir con roja holgada. Ya que la ropa ajustada provoca mala circulación y afectan al proceso de regeneración de los tejidos, provocando la aparición de celulitis.


Complementa tu tratamiento con otras técnicas

Una de las buenas opciones que ofrece el aumento de glúteos con vitamina C es que, al no ser invasivo, se puede complementar con otros tratamientos para mejorar el aspecto del trasero. Se recomienda combinar con:

Masajes. Uno de los más aconsejables porque ayudan a eliminar la grasa del área.

Radiofrecuencia. Para eliminar la celulitis.

Mesoterapia. Técnica de infiltración de vitaminas.

Tratamientos cosméticos. Utilizar productos anticelulíticos y reafirmantes de calidad.

¿Qué te parece esta técnica para mejorar la apariencia de los glúteos? ¿Te gustaría conocer lugares dónde lo realizan? Ingresa en nuestro FORO, comenta y pregunta todo sobre esto y más.

Inyecciones De Vitamina C Para Gluteos


How Much Vitamin C Is Lethal

How Much Vitamin C Is Lethal

Photo Courtesy: Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Vitamin E is a compound that plays many important roles in your body and provides multiple health benefits. In order to maintain healthy levels of vitamin E, you need to ingest it through food or consume it as an oral supplement. Read on to find out which foods are recommended sources of this essential nutrient, along with other basics to know about vitamin E.

Vitamin E is classified as an antioxidant. This means that vitamin E helps to destroy harmful compounds called free radicals that can build up in your body. Free radicals cause damage to cells through oxidative stress, and they've been linked to aging and health problems such as cancer and heart disease. Getting enough vitamin E on a daily basis may help to combat these conditions by protecting the outer membranes of your cells from free radical damage.

Photo Courtesy: Leren Lu/Photodisc/Getty Images

Vitamin E also plays an important role in your immune system and your body's ability to fight infection. At certain doses, vitamin E has been shown to stimulate the function of T cells — a type of cell that responds to pathogens that cause disease. Recent studies have shown that increasing your vitamin E intake may correlate with a stronger immune response and greater resistance to infection.

Vitamin E is present in the following whole foods:

  • Wheat germ
  • Almonds
  • Plant oils (vegetable, sunflower, grapeseed, etc.)
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peanut butter
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Kiwi
  • Mango

Daily Dosage Recommendations

As people age, their daily dosage recommendation for vitamin E increases. For these standard recommended daily doses, a healthy balanced diet is usually sufficient for getting the required amount of vitamin E:

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  • Birth to 6 months: 4 milligrams (mg)/day
  • 1 to 12 months: 5 mg/day
  • 1 to 3 years: 6mg/day
  • 4 to 8 years: 7mg/day
  • 9 to 13 years: 11mg/day
  • 14+ years, including adults and seniors: 15mg/day

A person's age, gender and health conditions can help determine their recommended daily dose of vitamin E. Always consult a healthcare professional before altering your intake of vitamin E from the recommended daily dosage.

Taking Vitamin E Supplements

If it becomes necessary, such as if you become deficient in vitamin E, your doctor may advise you to start taking vitamin E supplements. Vitamin E supplements may come with some minor side effects if you take more than the recommended daily amount or if you combine these supplements with certain medications.

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For example, vitamin E may increase the risk of bleeding if you take it with anticoagulants (also called blood thinners) like warfarin. Other medications, like chemotherapy drugs and cholesterol-lowering drugs, have potential harmful interactions when combined with vitamin E supplements. Talk to a healthcare professional before introducing daily vitamin E supplements, and be sure to discuss current medications you're taking.

Signs of a Vitamin E Deficiency

Because most people are able to get a sufficient amount of vitamin E through their normal daily diet, vitamin E deficiency is rare and typically related to an underlying health issue. For example, because vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient, there's a risk for vitamin E deficiency in people whose bodies are unable to absorb fat properly. Premature infants may also become deficient in vitamin E.

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When vitamin E deficiency does occur, these are some of its common symptoms:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Unsteady gait
  • Nerve pain or numbness
  • Impaired vision

Vitamin E deficiency can be detected with a blood test. It typically resolves with minor changes in your diet or the addition of vitamin E supplements. It's important to address any out-of-range vitamin E levels with your doctor. Chronic deficiencies may prevent your immune system from functioning normally.

Resource Links:


How Much Vitamin C Is Lethal


Holland And Barrett Vitamin C 1500

Holland And Barrett Vitamin C 1500

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Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications or under medical supervision, please consult a doctor or healthcare professional before use. Discontinue use and consult a doctor if adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if seal under cap is broken or missing.


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Holland And Barrett Vitamin C 1500


Garry Gordon Vitamin C

Garry Gordon Vitamin C

Photo Courtesy: The Good Brigade/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Hepatitis is a condition that causes inflammation of your liver. Currently, there are an estimated 6 million people living with hepatitis in the United States, and more than 50,000 people are diagnosed with this disease every year. There are three primary types of hepatitis, and while their symptoms can be similar, they vary largely in the ways they're transmitted. Learning more about each type of hepatitis can help you better understand the condition as a whole.

Hepatitis A is the most easily transmitted of the three viruses. It affects approximately 2,500 people every year in the United States. It typically spreads through feces-contaminated food or water and is found in the feces of people who have the virus. Hepatitis A causes a short-term, acute sickness that most people heal from without treatment. However, it can cause serious illness in some people. This virus is more common in places with underdeveloped sanitation systems.

While doctors can't treat hepatitis A with medication, people who get this virus can manage its symptoms with fluids, rest and good nutrition. There's also a safe and effective vaccine available to protect you against hepatitis A.

What Is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B can occur both acutely (meaning it develops quickly and lasts a short time) and chronically (meaning it develops slowly over time and worsens over months or years). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 2 million people in the United States are chronically affected with hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can be transmitted through sexual activity and exposure to infected blood. It can also be passed from a parent to their newborn child during birth.

Hepatitis B usually causes short-term discomfort that many people recover from completely after about four to eight weeks. However, it can turn into a chronic condition that lasts for years; this is more likely in older adults. Doctors can treat severe chronic hepatitis B with antiviral medications. However, in most cases, treatments focus on proper hydration and nutrition. There's a safe vaccine available to protect you against hepatitis B, too.

What Is Hepatitis C?

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Approximately 4 million people in the United States are affected with hepatitis C. This form of hepatitis causes a chronic illness in over 50% of people who get this type of the virus. It's the least transmissible of the three viruses and can spread through contact with infected blood.

Hepatitis C occurs more commonly in people who engage in intravenous drug use. If you received a blood transfusion before 1992, you should also get tested for hepatitis C if you haven't previously. Hepatitis C can spread through unprotected sexual intercourse, but this is a less common way to transmit it. While there's no vaccine for chronic hepatitis C, treatments that are available today offer a 95% cure rate.

Chronic hepatitis C can significantly affect how your liver works. It can cause cirrhosis, which means that your normal liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue. It can also cause liver cancer. However, there are medications that can help keep this disease in check. Making lifestyle changes, such as reducing or eliminating alcohol from your diet, can also decrease your chances of experiencing complications. In severe cases, hepatitis C may require a liver transplant.

The varying forms of viral hepatitis affect millions of people in the United States. Chronic hepatitis often has few symptoms in its early stages, so recognizing the associated dangers and getting tested if you've been exposed may save your life. Although there are five types of viral hepatitis, only A, B and C are the forms commonly found in the United States.

Resource Links:

"Hepatitis A, B, and C: Learn the Differences," Immunization Action Coalition

"What's the Difference Between Hepatitis A, B and C?," UNC Health Talk

"The ABCs of Hepatitis," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"What's the Difference: Hepatitis B vs Hepatitis C?," Hepatitis B Foundation


Garry Gordon Vitamin C




